Under a memorandum of understanding (MoU), clean technologies will be supplied to accelerate the decarbonisation of the maritime sector in the region with hydrogen fuel cells set to play a big role in achieving this.

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TECO 2030 fuel cell tech receives AiP from DNV

OTD is Keppel Offshore and Marine technology’s arm which specialises in modern offshore platforms and critical equipment which supports the oil and gas, marine, and offshore wind industries.

The hydrogen fuel cells that are set to be supplied as part of the agreement is designed for use onboard ships in addition to other heavy-duty applications.

These can also be used during port-stay, loading and discharging, enabling zero-emission operation at berth, without having to connect the ship to an onshore power supply.

Tore Enger, CEO of TECO 2030, said, “We are delighted that OTD has chosen to work with our cleantech products in their efforts to help their clients within the maritime industry to reduce their environmental and climate impacts.”

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