Revealed today (Oct 7), the groups will collaborate to identify and develop projects to establish the infrastructure required to deliver low-cost and low-carbon hydrogen at scale.

Not only will this be restricted to the US, but Canada is set to benefit from this agreement as well.

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It is expected that these hydrogen hubs will help accelerate the adoption of heavy-duty zero emission fuel cell vehicles in addition to hydrogen across a vast array of the industrial sectors and applications.

A key objective of the collaboration is to establish hubs that can produce 150 tonnes of hydrogen per day to help unlock hydrogens potential in the states.

For this, infrastructure will be put in place to allow transportation of the gas with distribution set to be enabled via pipelines.

Pablo Koziner. President of Energy and Commercial at Nikola, said, “We are excited to have a strategic partnership with a North American energy leader focused on delivering low-carbon and hydrogen-based energy solutions.

“This collaboration with TC Energy is intended to enable the production of hydrogen at quantities and costs that are required to support customer adoption and use of FCEVs. TC Energy also offers pipeline distribution capabilities that will be essential for cost-efficient movement of hydrogen in the future.

“Today marks a major step by Nikola in accordance with its stated energy strategy for the provision of hydrogen fuel solutions to future Nikola FCEV customers and to public network fuelling stations.”

Corey Hessen, Senior Vice-President and President of Power and Storage at TC Energy, said, “By leveraging our natural gas and power operations footprint, we see this new partnership as an important first step in facilitating access to affordable low-carbon production of hydrogen for the transportation and industrial sector.

“TC Energy is focused on our own decarbonisation efforts as well as being the provider of choice for carbon-free energy to the North American industrial, natural gas and oil sectors. Nikola as a partner and as a customer aligns well with that approach.”

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