This comes as Sasol on Wednesday (Oct 6) unveiled it is working with the Northern Cape Development Agency to lead a study which will evaluate the possibility of a hydrogen hub at the South African port.

The study, which is expected to take approximately two years, is just one of many recent hydrogen commitments Sasol has committed to in order to accelerate a decarbonised future.

Beyond Boegoebaai, the chemicals company has also been engaging with the Infrastructure and Investment Office (IIO) of the Presidency to develop a hydrogen economy in South Africa as a whole.

On the news Priscillah Mabelane, Executive Vice-President for Energy at Sasol, said, “We are very excited to be leading this feasibility study as part of unlocking South Africa’s potential to be a global green hydrogen and green ammonia export player with the potential for sustainable aviation fuels in the future.

“This will also be anchored by local demand for green hydrogen. It is a tangible step forward for Sasol, as we seek to play a leading role in establishing the Southern Africa green hydrogen economy.”

As the lead project integrator, Sasol will bring together strategic partners along the value chain and other enabling role players that will drive industrialisation of the Northern Cape.

Mabelane, added, “There is potential to create an ecosystem anchored on localisation to enable long-term, sustainable benefits for communities and the country. The project has the potential to provide a significant number of long-term sustainable jobs, infrastructure investment and skills development in the country, enabling a just transition.”

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