The assessment provides a worldwide perspective on hydrogen refuelling infrastructure signalling that 37 new stations were opened in Europe, 89 in Asia, and 13 in North America.

In doing so, it could suggest where hydrogen within the mobility industry is most popular with Asia clearly leading the development of the necessary infrastructure.

Read more: New innovative hydrogen refuelling equipment being developed by UK partners
Read more:
Hype to support development of a hydrogen refuelling network in France

Another key statistic is that hydrogen refuelling is now possible in 33 different countries.

Across the globe, the end of 2021 saw 685 hydrogen refuelling stations in operation worldwide with concrete plans in place to expand this to an extra 252.

Of this figure, Europe holds 228 of these hydrogen refuelling stations with Germany leading the hydrogen charge with 101 across the nation.

In North America, 60 of the overall 86 stations are situated in California, a state which saw huge growth for its hydrogen sector in 2021, with this momentum expected to continue to surge in the coming months.

Hydrogen refuelling stations: explained

Instead of exhaust fumes, the only emission from a hydrogen vehicle is water vapour. And that’s pretty much the only change for the driver.

The range of a hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) is similar to a combustion engine, the fuelling process is still with a classic fuel pump, and the time taken to refuel is just like a conventional petrol or diesel car: three to five minutes.

The number of hydrogen refuelling stations worldwide has more than doubled in the last five years, marking the path towards more widespread commercial deployment. Geographical analysis by, an information service of Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik (LBST), showed the expansion of the hydrogen refuelling infrastructure has mainly been taking place in Asia and Europe.

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