Marking the company’s entry into the German space economy, Hypersonix’s new location will both push forward its currently projects and present an opportunity to stimulate innovation between Australia and Germany.

David Waterhouse, Managing Director of Hypersonix, has described the move as an obvious choice.

It was back in April (2021) when the company announced it was joining the space race with hydrogen technology, having inked a deal with BOC, a subsidiary of Linde, for the supply of green hydrogen fuel for its SPARTAN scramjet engines.

Welcoming these operations, and more, Gudrun Weidmann, Director of the Government Agency Invest in Bavaria, said, “We are pleased to see this new exciting company from Australia settling into Bavaria.

“This is a chance to further stimulate innovation dynamics between the two high-tech hubs Australia and Bavaria and set new lucrative impulses for both areas. We wish Hypersonix all the best for their new beginnings in Bavaria.”

Christoph von Spesshardt, CEO of German Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, added, “We are thrilled to see Hypersonix Launch Systems entering the German market. It is exciting to watch the commercialisation of their cutting-edge technology disrupting the High-Speed aviation and small satellite launch sectors.

“The green hydrogen market in Germany is of special importance as their scramjet engines are fuelled with green hydrogen and therefore not leaving any CO2 emissions in our precious atmosphere behind.

“We wish Hypersonix all the success in this new market and will support them in their ambitious goal ‘to change the way we fly for good’.”

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